Some info
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Thank you for your interest in our preschool program at Building Blocks of Grace!
Please call us at 661.589.0424 or email us at to schedule a visit!
If you are ready to sign-up please contact us for availability before filling out the form below.
I agree to comply with the rules and regulations of the Building Blocks of Grace as specified in the PARENT HANDBOOK available at Please initial to acknowledge review of the handbook. (_____) Building Blocks of Grace will provide the following basic services:
A planned and supervised activity program.
Bible Instruction
Academic Instruction
Play based learning / social and emotional learning
Arrangement for utilization of available community resources.
Instructional hours are from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm, with extended hours from 8:00 am - 9:00 am and 1:00 pm to 3:30 pm. Parents/Guardians must provide a lunch and morning snack for their child/children.
One qualified, licensed teacher for twelve (12) children in each three-year-old and four-year-old class, ten (10) in each two-year-old class. In larger classes, an aide will be assigned.
The school provides optional services which are seasonal in nature and will be announced via email and/or remind app. Holidays:
Building Blocks of Grace is closed during all major holidays for morning instruction. A calendar will be provided at the beginning of the school year and holidays will be announced via the remind app.
Payment Provisions: There is a discount of 5% for payment of the entire year's tuition if paid on or before August 15 of the current school year. This will be calculated either for the school year from September through May, or for the full year September through August. A late charge in the amount of $40.00 will be added to the unpaid monthly balance and will be automatically charged if the balance is not paid in full by the 5th day of the month, should your tuition remain unpaid on the 20th day of the month your child may be dropped from the program. Multiple child discounts are as follows: Full tuition is paid on the oldest child and a 10% discount is given for any other children in the family attending. Grace Baptist Members and Regular attendee's discount: Each family who attends a Sunday church service at Grace Baptist Church at least twice in one month will receive a credit. The value of the voucher will be calculated by the number of days your child is enrolled for each week. Beginning at $25.00 per month for one day a week enrollment and increasing at $25.00 increments up to $125.00 for those enrolled five days a week.
Regular Hours:
Two days a week 9:00 am to 1:00 pm - $340.00
Three days a week 9:00 am to 1:00 pm - $420.00
Five days a week 9:00 am to 1:00 pm - $560.00n
Extended Hours:
Two days a week 8:00 am to 1:00 pm - $370.00
Three days a week 8:00 am to 1:00 pm - $455.00
Five days a week 8:00 am to 1:00 pm - $615.00
Two days a week 8:00 am to 3:30 pm - $475.00
Three days a week 8:00 am to 3:30 pm - $575.00
Five days a week 8:00 am to 3:30 pm - $760.00
My child will attend: (circle all that apply) Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Annual Registration and Material Fee: $60.00
Monthly Tuition ________ to be paid on the 1st of each month.
Students entering Building Blocks of Grace at mid-month will be pro-rated. Checks should be made payable to Grace Baptist Church.
Registration fees are non-refundable. Late pick up fee: Building Blocks of Grace closes at 3:30 p.m. We recognize that emergencies do occur; therefore, IF YOU CALL BY 12:45 P.M, if your child is scheduled to be picked up at 1:00 p.m. (3:15 p.m. if your child is scheduled to be picked up at 3:30 p.m.) to notify the school, the late fee will be waived with the grace period of five minutes. However, if you do not call, you will be billed $5.00 for each 15 minutes you are late, after your child/ren are scheduled to be picked up. If at any time we feel that we cannot meet the needs of you, or your child, we reserve the right to terminate care without prior written notice. If at any time your child, should test positive for Covid 19, or any infectious illness, your child will need to be out of school for 5 days from the date of the positive test in the case of Covid -19 and in the case of influenza for 24 hours from last symptom ( fever over 100 degrees, cough, intestinal issues). Please refer to the parent hand book @ for our full medical exclusion policy.
Licensing: The Department of Social Services, according to California State Law, shall have the authority to interview children or staff and to inspect and audit child or facility records without prior consent. The licensee shall make provisions for private interviews with any child, or staff member, and for the examination of all records relating to the operation of the facility.The Department of Social Services shall have the authority to observe the physical condition of the children including conditions which could indicate abuse, neglect, or inappropriate placement. Original or photographic reproduction of all children's records shall be retained for at least three years following termination of service to the child. Please place your signature in the space below to indicate your agreement to comply with the admissions policies stated herein. Parent/Guardian Name_________________________________________ Date _____________________